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Writer's pictureJulie Chamberlin

Renaissance Lit at the Newberry Library

A few highlights from my Renaissance Lit class' visit to the Newberry Library (Chicago):

From left: the class; a Charter sealed by Queen Elizabeth I; "The Defense of Conny-catching"

In Fall 2021 (our first semester back in the classroom since the pandemic), I taught "Renaissance Literature." As a medievalist, I was simultaneously excited and terrified to teach a 300-level class outside of my research expertise.

A highlight of the course included organizing a multi-modal Newberry Library visit for the class (the first ever offered!). Because the Newberry could, at the time, only allow groups of up to 12 in person, I had to find another option for my 35-student class. Christopher Fletcher, Assistant Director of the Center for Renaissance Studies at the Newberry Library, graciously led both virtual and in-person sessions for my students.

Here are some of the amazing artifacts we got to see:

  • Book of Hours, Use of Salisbury. Bruges, c. 1455 Vault Case MS 35

  • John Gower, Confessio Amantis. London: William Caxton, 1483. Folio Inc. 9654

  • [Instrument of recovery of the manor of Brantingsten, county of York, and of other lands granted to Sir William Ingleby and his wife Catherine] London: 8 July 1579. Wing MS oversize ZW 1 .579

  • Charter from Elizabeth I.

  • Mary Wroth, The [first and] secound booke of the secound part of the Countess of Montgomery's Vrania. 1621? VAULT Case MS folio Y 1565 .W95

  • Margaret Cavendish, Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious and excellent princess, the Lady Marchioness of Newcastle. London, 1662. Case Y 135 .N428

  • A briefe sonet declaring the lamentation of Beckles, a market towne in Suffolke : which was in the greate winde upon S. Andrewes eve pitifully burned ... 1586. London: Robert Robinson, 1586. Case 6A 129

    • Interesting broadside responding to the disastrous fire in Beccles in 1586. Kind of an environmental story, as the “Mini Ice Age” then going on contributed to the problem. The extreme cold meant the water that could put the fire out was frozen, and the high winds spread it quickly.

  • Thomas More, Libellus vere aureus nec minus salutaris quam festivus de optimo reip. statu, deq; nova insula Utopia. Leuven: Thierry Martens, 1516. VAULT Case J 205 .582

  • William Shakespeare, A pleasant conceited comedie called Loues labors lost. As it vvas presented before her Highnes this last Christmas. London: W.W. for C. Burby, 1598. Case 4A 949

  • Biblia sacra polyglotta : complectentia textus originales, Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Graecum. 6 vols. London: Thomas Roycroft, 1657. Case oversize C 211 .657

  • Robert Greene, The Defence of Conny catching. : Or a Confvtation of Those two iniurious Pamphlets published by R.G. against the practitioners on many Nimble-witted and mysticall Sciences. London, I. Jeffes, 1592. VAULT Case 3A 559

    • This is a fascinating pamphlet about crime, ostensibly condemning tricksters, but "mostly just promoting them" (per the catalog record).

Students then completed a project analyzing a document from the Renaissance period housed at the Newberry.

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